
Tuesday 5 June 2012

Circle Skirt with Flower Hair thing to match!

I have found the best skirt tutorials on pinterest!  The circle skirt is by far my favorite.  It is so fast and looks so cute on my girls.  I followed this tutorial on Made's blog.  With the extra fabric, I made flower hair ties to match.  This is one of my favorite skirts that I made. I need to get some better pictures, but this will do for now.

Thing 1

For Dr. Seuss day this year (yes, it was a while ago), my daughter needed a costume.  I didn't want to spend much money on it and we decided to do Thing 1.  I got some red sweat pants and a red shirt, cut out a white felt circle and wrote "Thing 1" on it, and then worked on her wig.  I just bought some bright blue yarn, crocheted a kind of headband/beanie type thing to fit her head, and then tied a bunch of blue yarn "hair" to it.  I thought she looked cute, though she was embarassed to wear the wig at school, so it didn't stay on for very long.

CTR Towel

I needed a quick and easy gift for a nephew's baptism, so I found this tutorial on the Rachel Berry Blog.  So I whipped up two (I have a neice who will need one soon!) and they turned out great!  I attached the poem below and tied it up with a ribbon. Easy as pie!

My Baptism Towel

This baptism towel is to help remind you

Of your baptism day all the years through.

When you come out of the water all clean and pure,

Dry off with this towel and you can be sure,

That you are as clean as this towel is white.

And the Holy Ghost will be with you both day and night.

For the Holy Ghost is your gift after the laying on of hands,

And will be a comfort and a guide if you obey God's commands.

This CTR emblem will help remind you to be strong

As you continue to learn right from wrong.

When your towel becomes soiled, remember that we, too,

May sometimes make mistakes and we've been taught just what to do.

Just as you can wash your towel so it can again be clean,

The wrongs you make can be washed away and never again be seen.

Your Heavenly Father loves you, remember always to pray,

And He will be beside you for forever and a day. "